Schedule your 1-hour massage with one of our Massage Therapists
Massage Therapy
Sunnybrook Chiropractic also specializes in Massage Therapy. Massage therapy differs from chiropractic treatment, in that it focuses primarily on tension in the muscles and joints, as opposed to the spine and the nervous system.
Massage therapy relieves stress, promotes relaxation, soothes sore muscles, and can also be used to treat injuries caused by sports injuries, car accidents, falls, or other traumas incurred during day to day life.
Massage Therapy is often used in conjunction with chiropractic treatment, in order to support well-being and complete communication between your joints, muscles, and nervous system.
Massage therapy can be used to treat the following symptoms:
Back pain
Neck pain
Sore muscles
Stiff joints
Research has suggested that massage therapy stimulates blood flow and the immune system, resulting in not only feeling refreshed, relaxed and energized, but improved health and well-being.